Join us on our journeys through the United States and Life!
Join us on our journeys through the United States and Life!
My husband Gene and I have always traveled. He loves to drive and I love to sightsee, so we are well matched! We put effort into learning about the places we visit, and it is satisfying to share what we have seen and learned. I retired from teaching and Gene still practices law when we are on the road (and he is not at his San Diego office.) Our Cairn Terrier Elphie joins us in the motorhome when we travel. We tow a Jeep truck to be able to see the backcountry and access those roads less traveled.🤓
I was lucky to grow up seeing the country with my family on vacations. My deep interest in natural history led me to add Physical Geography to my English major in college. After working as a naturalist for ten years, I married Gene and stayed home to raise our children and volunteer for everything! Then I earned a teaching credential and taught middle school English for seventeen years. Now that I am retired, I want to go, see, learn and then share!
Growing up and traveling in California, I learned to love all landscapes and habitats. I especially love the desert because the Earth’s bones are exposed there. The Southwest has always drawn both of us, but husband Gene and I want to see more of this vast , varied, and fascinating country. So off we go!
(We camped here next to some Bristlecones in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, overlooking the Middle Powder River gorge on July 27, 2022.)
Our goal is to travel the edges of our country, touching all four of its corners. We will also be traveling its innards, as we seek to gain a better understanding of the incredible diversity found here.
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